- Create several copies of snow Sprite
- Let the y-velocity of these snow sprites random
- Let the x-positions of these sprites swing by using sine (or cosine) function.
Just create a movie clip with linkage class name Snow in Flash Proffesional. Put any graphics you want in it (just a small white circle will be fine). Create anothor movie clip on the stage with linkage class name Snowing. Just play with the randomization parameters for different effects.
package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event; public class Snow extends Sprite { private var yVelocity:Number; private var xRadius:Number; private var xIncrement:Number; private var xAngle:Number; private var xOrig:Number; public function Snow() { yVelocity = 2 + Math.random() * 5; xRadius = 10 + Math.random() * 100; xIncrement = 0.001 + Math.random() * 0.05; xOrig = Math.random() * 1000; xAngle = 2*Math.random()*Math.PI; x = xOrig; y = Math.random() * 600; alpha = 0.2+0.8*Math.random(); scaleX = scaleY = 0.2+0.8*Math.random(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function onEnterFrame(e:Event) { this.y += yVelocity; this.x = xOrig + xRadius*Math.sin(xAngle); xAngle += xIncrement; if (this.y >= 600) this.y = 0; } } }
package { import flash.display.Sprite; public class Snowing extends Sprite { private var numSnow:int = 1000; public function Snowing() { for (var i = 0; i < numSnow; i++) { var snow:Snow = new Snow(); addChild(snow); } } } }
Happy snowing...
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